Audience Eye works by hitting the Facebook Marketing API, which stands for an application programming interface. Audience Eye will return all of the interests that are on Facebook related to your query. An API is a set of functions and procedures allowing for the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.

How Audience Eye Works

In simple words, it’s a way to get demographic data out of Facebook Ads Manager and into a form that allows us to attain faster audience definition. Audience Eye is a search engine for these “hidden” Facebook Interests.

How Audience Eye Works

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What is Facebook Marketing API?

The Facebook Marketing API is a collection of Graph API endpoints that can be used to help you advertise on Facebook. To understand how the FB Marketing API works, you need to be knowledgeable on the structure and application of Facebook Ad Campaigns.

For example, knowing how to create and manage Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads for Ad Sets is critical when utilizing the Facebook Marketing API.

Audience Eye is designed to help marketers with interest targeting for their Ad Sets. The Audience Eye Interest Search feature allows marketers to see all the interests that exist on the Facebook Marketing API.

What Data Does Audience Eye Call from Facebook’s Marketing API

Audience Eye calls on Facebook’s Marketing API for all interest data related to the keyword we ask the API to return on. When I refer to interest data, I am referencing to the data that we can access through the Detailed Targeting section of the ad group we’re on. I’ve included a screenshot below as an example:

How Audience Eye Works

Audience Eye takes this a step further, creating a call to the API that shows all the data, not just the 25 results it thinks is the best match. This allows marketers to see all of the options and therefore make better decisions. I created Audience Eye to provide access to all the options available in the most time-economical way possible.

How Audience Eye Works

How do I access Facebook API?

To access the Facebook Marketing API you’ll need:

  • A Facebook Ads account
  • A desktop device
  • A Facebook Developers account

As long as you have these requirements you can make Facebook API calls including interest searches. The Facebook API doesn’t allow for rapid research on interests, and the data the API returns is in the form of a JSON and very hard to read. Audience Eye was created to troubleshoot these inconveniences.

Audience Eye makes it easy for any marketer to find Facebook hidden interests.

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